NGSC Newsletter
Issue 8


Victorian School of Languages

North Geelong Centre

Located at

North Geelong Secondary College

Just a quick update on the situation with VSL / LOTE learning. Many of our students attend school on a Saturday morning to learn a language. The VSL is running all classes through on-line learning, as are day-schools; the lessons are running at the usual time on a Saturday. The VSL teachers contacted each class member prior to the commencement of this term in regard to the electronic platform being used and instructions to access those. If any of our students or their parents/guardians have questions about this, please contact the class teacher first (if possible) and then make all enquiries through the VSL head-office.

The Victorian School of Languages is a specialist Government school offering complementary language instruction outside of regular school hours. It enrols students in Years 1 to 12, who are unable to study their language of choice in their mainstream school. Students from all educational sectors (Government, Independent and Catholic) are eligible to enrol.

The Victorian School of Languages offers quality courses aligned with Government curriculum standards, based on communication skills, that include speaking, reading, writing and listening. Its VCE Program is fully accredited and can advantage students in the calculation of their University entrance score.

The school`s Language Program is delivered through online teaching in over 40 Language Centres situated in government Secondary Schools across the state, and through Distance Education mode.

In North Geelong, classes are held on Saturday mornings between 9:00 am and 12:15 pm online.

Languages offered:

Croatian, Karen, Vietnamese, Dari, Persian, Polish, Macedonian, Bosnian, Turkish and Russian

*New languages may be offered subject to demand*

For enquiries Telephone: 5277 9833

Further details and enrolment are available online at our website:

Discover the World of Languages!