About Us

Policies and Reports

Please see the Department of Education and College’s policies and reports below. If you require further clarification, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Principal or an Assistant Principal at the College.

Child Safe Standards

North Geelong Secondary College is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe.

Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:

Our child safety and wellbeing policies are available from the Administration office upon request. 

As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at North Geelong Secondary College we welcome and encourage your feedback.

If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our College Principal on 5240 5800

Parent/Guardian Payments

Under the Department of Education's Parent/Guardian Payments Policy, Victorian Government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary Parent/Guardian contributions. 

The following documents outline the voluntary Parent/Guardian contributions at our College:

These are approved by school council and distributed annually, outlines the voluntary Parent/Guardian contributions at our College. 

Before and after school supervision arrangements

Student safety at North Geelong Secondary College is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring Parent/Guardians and students are aware of out student supervision arrangements before and after school.

Before school: The College Dining Room is supervised from 7:50am (breakfast club) and from 8:15am school wide (excluding the oval).

After school: College grounds are supervised from 3:10pm - 3:30pm school wide, the College Library and Year 12 Common room are supervised until 4:30pm. All students are required to leave the school site by 4:36pm unless prior arrangements have been made with supervising staff members.

Students on College grounds outside of these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending an extracurricular activity).

Parents/guardians are requested to ensure that students do not attend the College outside of these supervised times unless they are attending a pre-arranged supervised activity (i.e sports practice).

Families are encouraged to contact the Administration office on 5240 5800 if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.

For a copy of our school's Yard Duty and Supervision Policy, contact the Administration office. This policy includes North Geelong Secondary College's student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.

College Policies

In Victoria, all schools must meet the minimum standards for school registration. The minimum standards provide a foundation for quality schools through:

  • Good governance
  • Strong financial management
  • Effective curriculum
  • Sound teaching practices
  • Safe environments for children.

The following policies support us in these aims and in meeting the minimum standards:

Good governance and strong financial management

Effective curriculum and sound teaching practices

Safe environments for children