
Digital Learning

Device Programs

Year 7

What device can my new year 7 student bring to NGSC?

The transition to secondary school can be an exciting and challenging experience for young people. At North Geelong Secondary College we want to ensure that the type of device your child is using would be the least concern at this turbulent time.

We believe that by using a standard platform in Year 7 is essential in building confidence for both students and teachers to get the most out of their first year of high school experience. Knowing all students have the same device in each class greatly helps teachers plan activities that use technology effectively to enhance student learning.

Student are allowed to bring an existing BYOD Chromebook from primary school or home, or purchased independently through a trusted retailer. Alternatively, families can purchase a device through the College Preferred supplier, which can streamline repairs and warranty claims should they be required. 

LWT Portal

We strongly recommend all Year 7 students use a Chromebook computer which runs Google ChromeOS. 

If you are uncertain look for the chrome logo on either the top or back of the computer case 


If you are still uncertain please call the College and speak with IT 5240 5800

Please note all devices will be factory reset and managed by North Geelong Secondary College and loaded with the college standard configuration.

There is support available for families who are not in a position to provide a device for their student, please contact the college for more information. 

The range of College approved devices include:

  • Apple iOS Tablet (iPad)
  • Apple Mac Laptop
  • Chromebook

Note: No other devices will be supported or connected to the College’s network.

Years 7-9


The College has chosen the Chromebook as the device for our Junior School student program. It is therefore an expectation that all new students to our College from 2021 have a school-approved Chromebook.

The Chromebook is specifically designed for education and offers a device platform that is reliable, good value for money, has proven battery life and offers access to resources and tools used across the college curriculum. This makes the Chromebook an ideal device for an educational environment.

We believe that using a standard platform in our junior school program is essential in building confidence in both students and teachers so they can get the most out of their Chromebooks. Knowing all students have the same device in each class greatly helps teachers plan activities that use technology effectively to enhance student learning.

Years 9-12

Student choice of Existing Chromebook, New Chromebook, Apple Macbook Laptop, iPad

Devices Image

Students in Year 9 to 12 are required to purchase or bring a College approved device to school each day, so as to enhance their learning outcomes to collaborate and share resources with other students and their classroom teacher. The range of College approved devices include:

  • Apple iOS Tablet (iPad)
  • Apple Mac Laptop
  • Chromebook

Note: No other devices other than those listed above or on the BYOD Device Portal will be supported or connected to the College’s network.

The College has negotiated with vendors for both Apple and Chromebook devices to provide our students with a web portal to make their purchases. These vendors are able to provide competitive pricing and improved warranty terms only available to educational institutions.

JB Hi Fi Education Device Portal

Student Digital Device Program

The North Geelong Secondary College Student Digital Device Program is an exciting opportunity to improve student engagement and promote even greater academic achievement, by providing teachers and students new ways to learn and collaborate.

The students approved device can be connected to the College network and home network (using your family’s internet connection, where available). Whilst this presents a great learning opportunity, it must be used responsibly. We expect our core values of respect and integrity to be reflected in every aspect of our students’ lives, and this extends to their electronic communication with others.

Safe and responsible use of electronic media (including the internet and other devices such as mobile phones) is required of all members of the North Geelong Secondary College community. Appropriate use of the internet and electronic media is explicitly taught at North Geelong Secondary College and we ask parents/guardians to reinforce this at all times.

College Expectations

  • Bring your Chromebook or approved device to school every day, with the battery fully charged and ready for use.
  • Store your Chromebook or approved device securely always, and in your College locker during recess and lunchtime breaks, etc.
  • Keep your Chromebook or approved device in its protective case or bag.
  • Being given 24-7 access to a Chromebook or approved device is a privilege, and you must care for your device at all times and use it responsibly.
  • All students are expected to abide by the College’s Acceptable Use Policy.
  • In class, the Chromebook or approved devices will be used at the discretion and under the direction of the classroom teacher at all times.
  • Students must take their Chromebook or approved device to every class, except when advised by a teacher not to do so.
  • At school and outside of normal class time (i.e., in the library etc) the Chromebook or approved device can be used to complete homework, revise assessment tasks, undertake research and participate in further online learning etc.
  • Whilst at school, your Chromebook or approved device must be used for educational purposes only, unless students are specifically directed to do so by their teacher.
  • Students should always undertake safe and responsible use when accessing social or electronic media.

iLeader Program

The iLeader program holds students at its core and endeavours to create strong global digital citizens to be leaders in our 21st century digital economy.

The North Geelong Secondary College iLeader program is a paradigm shift away from traditional technology education. The iLeader program is offered as an extracurricular opportunity to any student who shows a keen interest in the field of Digital Technologies; by design it is intended to create world class, developers, and Digital Technology Professionals.

Our students within the iLeader program strive to take an active role in their college community through technology, by; Digital Technology leadership consulting with them about future technology adoptions to gauge interest – perceived learning outcomes and potential pitfalls, encouraging them to assist their peers in the troubleshooting and resolution of various Digital Technology issues they may encounter in the classroom. Through this practice they cultivate their critical thinking and problem-solving skill sets and have the scope for students to develop deeper more self-directed learning opportunities and personal projects through the extended use of hardware and software offered by the college, this can mean access to resources offered within classes at higher targeted year levels or access to more extensive and detailed resources.

Our iLeader Captains often consult with key stakeholders to take a deep dive into how they believe our Digital Technology teaching and learning can be improved throughout the college. This intensifies our climate of engagement and implores students to feel a level of pride within their college. ILeaders are given the option of professional development opportunities, such as excursions, incursions and additional training offered by members of the Digital Technology Faculty and then challenged to put their knowledge into action within the classroom, and through the completion of future projects. The application of their learnings in a real-world environment further strengthens the premise of their pedagogy to result in lifelong tools.