
SEAL, Scholarship and EIS Programs

Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program

The Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program (SEAL) provides students; capable of outstanding academic achievement, to be academically challenged and demonstrate high levels of task commitment. The teaching and learning program studied is based on the same curriculum as mainstream classes. However, the SEAL students will study these courses in greater depth and complexity. Students are required to sit an entrance test examining their academic ability in the areas of Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and General Knowledge.

The North Geelong Secondary College Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program, SEAL, is accredited by the Department of Education.  The program provides an opportunity for students to undertake learning experiences that are designed to meet the needs of students capable of outstanding academic achievement, who want to be challenged and who demonstrate high levels of task commitment.

The teaching and learning program studied is based on the same curriculum as mainstream classes. However, the SEAL students will study these courses in greater depth and complexity.

The Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program at North Geelong Secondary College is founded on the following principles:

Challenge and Complexity
The subjects studied are sufficiently advanced, delivered at a pace to sustain interest and challenge the learners to engage in abstract thinking and conceptualisation at a high level.

Breadth and Depth
Learners are given the opportunity to undertake a range of subjects across the key learning areas and are encouraged to explore special areas of interest through different programs.

Program Outline

Years 7 and 8
In the first two years of the program students are grouped together in the same class. Over the two years the class will complete the following subjects; English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Strive, LOTE (German and Japanese), Physical Education, Art, Information Technology, Health, Performing Arts, Food Technology, Wood Technology, and Visual Arts.

Year 9
In Year 9 students remain in their classes for most subjects; English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Strive and Physical Education. Students can also elect subjects from the Humanities, HAPE, LOTE, Arts and Technology key learning areas and will be grouped with mainstream students in these electives.

Year 10
Students at Year 10 will elect their course from a wide range of subjects from both the Year 10 and Year 11 options. There will be greater choice in subject areas that will cater for all students needs. SEAL students will undertake at least one VCE subject at Year 10. Students will receive support from the College with planning their courses for future pathways.

Year 11 and 12 (VCE)
Students will receive individual course counselling to develop their VCE course/pathway and will usually complete six or seven Year 12 VCE subjects. Exemplary students will have the opportunity to complete a first year university subject in Year 12 (Deakin University).

Selection Process

Year 7
 Students are required to sit an entrance test examining their academic ability in the areas of Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. On the testing day, students will also complete a creative writing task.
Entrance exams to the program will be held at North Geelong Secondary College. Interviews may then be conducted to shortlist applicants for entry based upon the outcomes of the exam. A non-refundable fee of $20.00 is required with the application to cover costs associated with the exam licence and catering for the day.
2. Students shortlisted for the program may be asked to attend an interview.
3. Primary School teachers may also be contacted to complete a confidential reference.

Year 8 to 10
A small number of positions may be available at other year levels. Entry into the program is determined by an interview and the entrance exam.

Extracurricular Activities

Throughout their time at North Geelong Secondary College all students are encouraged to be involved in a wide variety of extracurricular programs such as camps, sporting teams, instrumental music, debating and public speaking, performing arts, SRC and other leadership programs, competitions and clubs. The extracurricular program at North Geelong Secondary College is designed to provide students with a diverse range of activities to enrich their high school experience, develop a broad variety of life skills such as confidence, self-esteem, independence and team skills and to encourage attendance.

We aim to develop young adults who set themselves challenging goals, are courageous and strive to do their best in all of their pursuits, are ready to enter the global community with strong minds and have a capacity to actively contribute to society.


Is a supplementary program to the SEAL Years 7-9 program, running two periods a week. The subject is designed to foster research skills, academic writing, and grounded in inquiry-based learning. Strive prepares students for the rigours of senior secondary, tertiary education and learning beyond the classroom.

Important Dates

Early SEAL Applications close
(if eligible):
Friday 27 June 2025

SEAL Applications close:

Friday 27 June 2025

SEAL Entrance Examination:
Saturday 26 July 2025, 9.00am

How to apply

Fill in the preliminary application form and return it to a member of the North Geelong Secondary College Administration Team or fill in the online form below. If successful, applicants will be notified of exam details.

SEAL Expression of Interest

For more information contact
Steven Quinn - Transitions Leaders

130 Separation Street, North Geelong, 3215
(03) 5240 5800


The Scholarship Program promotes and recognises outstanding commitment by students who have displayed a strong involvement in their school community. The College looks for exemplary young people who are exceptional in different areas and possess personal qualities and values that will contribute to the life of North Geelong Secondary College. We provide students with the opportunity to experience exciting curriculum opportunities through a broad range of engaging programs delivered by our dedicated teachers.

North Geelong Secondary College Scholarship Program recognises the considerable achievements of children in our community and provides them with the opportunity to experience exciting curriculum opportunities through a broad range of engaging programs delivered by our dedicated teachers.

Scholarships are awarded for two years commencing in Year 7 and then reviewed in Years 9 and 11. Scholarship recipients will be Grade 6 students who will be attending North Geelong Secondary College in Year 7 the following year. The Scholarship is valued at $5000 and includes the following for both Year 7 and 8:

  • Full value of College fees
  • Chromebook
  • Books
  • College Blazer
  • All Camps
  • Excursions

Scholarships are available in the following areas:

Academic Excellence
The Academic Excellence Scholarship is available to students with an exemplary academic record who have demonstrated outstanding application and achievement in one or more of English, Mathematics or Science, together with a strong performance in general studies.

* Students who apply for the Academic Excellence Scholarship need to also apply for the Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program.

Student Leadership
The Student Leadership Scholarship is available to students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The successful applicant(s) will have excellent communication skills, display initiative, and have a passion to motivate, delegate, guide and direct fellow students.

Community (Good Citizenship)
The Community (Good Citizenship) Scholarship is available to students who have made a significant demonstrable contribution to their community. The successful applicant(s) will display a strong social conscience as well as an outstanding work ethic and behaviour.

Sporting Excellence
The Sporting Excellence Scholarship is available to keen sports persons who have shown outstanding aptitude and personal achievement in one or many sporting field(s).

The Arts
The Arts Scholarship is available to students who have displayed excellence and shown commitment in one or more of the Arts (such as; Drama, Music, Dance, Visual Arts). Successful applicants should have a record of involvement in all aspects of primary school life in addition to artistic talent.

How to apply

Fill in the preliminary application form and return it to a member of the North Geelong Secondary College Administration Team.

For more information contact
Steven Quinn - Transitions Leaders

130 Separation Street, North Geelong, 3215
(03) 5240 5800


Excellence in Sport

The Excellence in Sport Program aims to enhance students' skills, knowledge, and practical application in Australian Rules Football, Soccer, and Volleyball. It also extends into crucial areas like sport science, well-being, nutrition, and physical conditioning in order to support a balanced and healthy lifestyle. The EIS program supports students in pursuing both personal sporting and academic objectives.

For more information contact
Cameron Sikita - EIS Coordinator

130 Separation Street, North Geelong, 3215
(03) 5240 5800