About Us

School Council

The School Council is the body responsible for establishing and monitoring the policies of the College. The Council is responsible for ensuring the school’s accountability both to the government and to the school community. The School Principal acts as the Executive Officer to the Council and is responsible for the implementation of Council policy as well as the administration of the school.

Membership categories include:

  • Parent/Guardian Representatives
  • DE Staff Representatives
  • Community Representatives (which includes student representatives)

2024/2025 School Council Representatives

Following the conclusion of the School Council election process and the Annual General Meeting, please note the following Council membership:

Parent/Guardian Representatives:

  • Dirk Heitmann (President)
  • Susan Davenport (Vice President)
  • Jasmina Blagojevic
  • Jacqueline Darling
  • Ann-Maree Dillon
  • Terrence Gillard
  • Tanya Marriott
  • Jared Shrimpton
  • Meg Wyld

Community Representative:

  • David Milford

DE Representatives:

  • Paul Dawson (Executive)
  • Tonia Tigani (Treasurer)
  • Thomas Grantham
  • Suzanne Henry

Student Members:

  • Paris-Junnoel Mina
  • Dean Smilevski

Guest Members:

  • Leanne Scarlett (Secretary)
  • Sarah Bridges
  • Brad Headlam
  • Sue Marin
  • Ryan Mills


The overarching objective of a school council is to assist in the efficient governance of the College, in our case North Geelong Secondary College. Details of the objectives, functions, powers and duties of a school council are set out in the following link: School Council Presentation. Councils are required to comply with policies, guidelines, advice and directions issued under the Act by the responsible Minister.

The configuration of the North Geelong Secondary College School Council (according to constituting order) is as follows:

Parent Category: 9 parents

DE employee category: 5 members

Community member category: 1 member

Government school councils are established for the purposes of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (the Act) and operate under the Act, their constituting Orders, the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2007 (the Regulations) and Government policy.

A Ministerial Order made under section 2.3.2 of the Act constitutes a school council as a body corporate and specifies the functions of the council and the powers it requires to perform its functions.

A school council, in its capacity as a body corporate, is a separate legal identity to its members.

As a body corporate the council is capable of entering into and pursuing legally enforceable arrangements, provided those arrangements are within the scope of the council’s authorised objectives, functions and powers. Conversely the council as a body corporate is capable of being sued and possibly prosecuted.

Governing Body

Council members are the governing body of the body corporate. When entering into legally enforceable arrangements, or relationships with potentially legal implications, councils have the option of ensuring that the council as a body corporate, rather than the council membership or a council member representing the council, is the relevant party. The affixing of the common seal of the body corporate is a formal indication that the body corporate is the relevant party in an arrangement or contract.

Council members are entitled to statutory indemnity for liability for loss sustained by the council or any other person in the circumstances set out in section 2.3.32 of the Act.