
Year 7 Curriculum

Year 7 students experience a comprehensive program that provides a broad curriculum to interest and enhance all learners.

English and Maths are a priority while Humanities, Science, Physical Education, LOTE (German and Japanese), Health, Technology and The Arts ensure that students have the opportunity to develop and achieve in all disciplines, with support of our 1:1 Chromebook program. This allows students to communicate and express themselves, to research and present their work, and to share their knowledge with others locally and globally.

The Year 7 Curriculum provides our students with a solid foundation where we focus on, and celebrate learning growth for all students. We ensure cross-curricular capabilities, intercultural connections and respectful relationships are prioritised and are integrated into all aspects of our teaching and learning programs.

Transition into Year 7

The transition from primary to secondary school is seamless for our Year 7 students. Our transition program starts with some of our staff and students visiting primary schools from Grade 3. In Grade 6 all students are invited to the College early in the year for a ‘taste’ of secondary school and then later in the year there is a specialised two day program that allows students to develop new friendships and familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. Students start their first secondary school year with confidence.

Students at Year 7 have the majority of their classes in a designated area to further support their transition to secondary school. Each student is provided with a locker in a separate area to the older students within the College. The students also attend a Year 7 Camp, which is an integral part of our transition program. The camp experience allows students and staff to build positive relationships in a fun learning environment.


Students have the opportunity to devise, interpret and perform different styles of drama to communicate meaning. They learn how to use the four expressive skills of voice, movement, gesture and facial expression to portray different characters and how to use conventions of performance styles to convey status, relationships and intentions. They use stagecraft and design elements to shape and focus relationships with an audience.


The English Curriculum encompasses three areas of content and skills; Reading & Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening. The explore language features, images and the ways in which vocabulary affects meaning. They explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting evidence and implied meaning. They select specific details from texts to develop their own response, recognising that texts reflect different viewpoints.

Students will draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other sources to express or challenge a point of view. They create and analyse texts showing how language features, text structures, and images from other texts can be combined for effect. They create structured and coherent texts for a range of purposes and audiences. Students explore a range of stimulus texts, including novels, film and other print.

Food Technology

Food Technology at North Geelong Secondary College is a sequential program that allows students to explore food related issues through a range of practical experiences and to apply aspects of the technology process to given design briefs using different technologies. The aim of Year 7 Food Technology is to continue to develop the student’s knowledge and skills in a range of areas. These include making healthy food choices; developing management skills; as well as learning about correct food handling and processing techniques to prepare a range of simple meals. Students will focus on the various groups of foods, their properties and how to prepare them into a meal.


Guten Tag! Guten Morgen! Wie heißt du? What is that funny letter: ß? Why do some of the vowels have strange dots above them: ä ö ü. Are they funny faces? In Year 7 German at North Geelong Secondary College you will learn how to respond to all of these questions and statements (and many more!).

By the end of your first year of your German language learning adventure you will be able to have a conversation in German and use some key phrases and questions so that you would be able to get to know someone using German! You will learn some songs to help you along the way, and you’ll use your Chromebook as well as your brains to create some cool sketches, cartoons and other recordings.

Health and Physical Education

Students have the opportunity to develop skills and attitudes relating to physical activity and fitness, by participating in a variety of sports and activities. Emphasis is placed on enjoyment and cooperative behaviour. Students will participate in a swimming program at the end of the year to develop water safety skills.

Students also participate in a range of activities and games designed to develop skills and knowledge involving the health interests and needs of early adolescence. Topics include investigating health issues of young people, risk taking behaviours, food choices, drug education (prescription drugs/ tobacco smoking), growth and development, puberty, anti-bullying, personal identity and friendships.


Students in Year 7 Humanities study units of work for Geography, Civics and Citizenship, History, and Economics & Business.
Units of work include:

  • Place and Liveability
  • Water in the World
  • Government and Democracy
  • Ancient Greece
  • Ancient China
  • Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Information Technology

This is a one semester subject that students will complete either during semester one or two. During this subject students will improve their skills in using information technology. No matter what their skill level there is always room to grow. Information technology is a fast growing area and their problem solving skills are just as important, if not more important, than their computer knowledge. Therefore this subject utilises both Apple iMacs and Chromebooks to help students find solutions to real world technical problems. They also learn about cyber safety and how to protect themselves from the numerous threats they may encounter during their lives.



Nihongo e youkoso! Welcome to Japanese. In Year 7, students have the opportunity to discover topics about the unique culture and traditions of Japan, including pop culture. They learn to read and write in two Japanese scripts, kanji characters and hiragana. By the end of the semester, students will be able to introduce themselves, give details about themselves, their likes, dislikes, hobbies etc. and ask questions of others. There will be opportunities for students to use their spoken Japanese to chat with our native-speaking assistants when they visit, and with students from our Sister Schools in Osaka, Japan.


Students will begin the year with a focus on developing their understanding of number properties. This will provide the foundation skills to be transferred across the other topics which include angles, fractions, algebra, directed numbers, measurement, statistics and probability. Students will be encouraged to explore mathematics through regular problem solving activities.


Students listen to, compose and perform music in a wide range of styles. Listening underpins all music learning. Students compose and perform music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources and digital technologies. As composers, they create music in different styles and forms exploring personal interests and given ideas. Students develop their ability to identify and describe aspects of the music they listen to, compose and perform through the use of the elements of music.


Can you be a scientist?

Science is how we understand the world around us – for example: – plants, animals, chemical reactions, forces and the universe.

In Year 7 Science students learn how to investigate and think like a scientist. They become familiar with the equipment and how to conduct experiments, how to communicate their understanding through written reports and research projects, and how science is a part of everyday life.

The Year 7 Science course follows the four main studies of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Space Science. Projects are set to enable students to develop their research skills and extend their learning. Practical work is used every week, not only to build the students investigative skills, but to reinforce and explore the science that is being studied.

Visual Arts

The Year 7 Visual Art course focus theme is Landscape. It has been designed to build and expand on student’s skills and gain understanding of colour theory and how it is used in landscapes and visual art. Students explore traditional and cultural artworks and develop understanding of concepts and style. Students use a range of media and techniques to explore and experiment in creating art on a 2 dimensional surface.

For one of the units, students learn about Austrian artist and architect Friedrich Hundertwasser and look at the buildings he designed. Students sketch and alter the front of North Geelong Secondary College in his style and add bright colours, whimsical shapes and patterns.

College Tours

For college tours please visit our College Tours page where you can book an upcoming tour or contact us for a personalised tour.

College Tours