NGSC Newsletter
Issue 9

Sports News

Sports Shack

Interschool Sports

Sports Shack

Borrowing Times: 12:39pm – 12:50pm

Please record the date, your name, home group, and the items you have borrowed on the Borrowing Sheet.

Return Times: 1:25 pm

Make sure to return the borrowed equipment and mark your name off the list. If any issues arise with returning the equipment, immediately notify the staff at the Sports Shack.

Failure to return equipment may impact your ability to borrow in the future.

The Sports Shack is an excellent resource for students, and it is in everyone's interest to contribute to its efficient operation.

Interschool Sports

We have recently had Year 7 & 8 Teams representing the College in basketball, volleyball and table tennis. These teams were very popular as many students signed up and the selected students represented the school values while competing against other local schools.

Looking ahead to next term, we will have Year 9 & 10 teams competing in interschool competitions for basketball, cricket and table tennis. Tryouts for these are underway as lots of students have expressed interest in going up against other schools in these sports.

Year 7 & 8 students will have the opportunity to represent the school in cricket, tennis and baseball next term. Coaches should have reached out to students that signed up for this and organised some training in preparation for the events.

Good luck to all students who have signed up to represent our great college!

Fran Forsyth
Sports Coordinator