NGSC Newsletter
Issue 9

Alumni News

The VCE Vocational Major students had a visit from three alumni who spoke of their journey since leaving North Geelong. They also passed on many suggestions on how to be successful in firstly, obtaining a position and secondly, on how to move across different workplaces or various roles within the same company. They focussed on communication skills and how important it was to be able to be flexible in your style, depending on your audience. As well as verbal and written communication skills, emotional intelligence was also highlighted. They commented that the ability to recognise and regulate your own and others' emotions, and to empathise with colleagues and/or clients is of growing importance in today’s work situations.

Students completed a worksheet on their own level of competence with the transferable skills being discussed. This allowed them to reflect on their strengths and to identify areas for improvement – also mentioned as a valuable tool for succeeding in a competitive workplace.

Thanks to

  • Kirsten George (Hemley) – 1991
  • Ahmad Sulaimi – 2003
  • Gavin Skurrie – 2006

Your willingness to give back to the NGSC community is very much appreciated.

If you would like to be a part of the ever-growing alumni community at North Geelong Secondary College, please get in touch!


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