NGSC Newsletter
Issue 11

Assistant Principals' Report

Ryan Mills
Assistant Principal International Student Program Coordinator
Sarah Bridges
Assistant Principal
Brad Headlam
Assistant Principal

During the second half of term 4 students at all levels are busy finishing their learning tasks, preparing for and sitting exams and participating in orientation for 2025 classes.

Year 12 students are completing the final VCAA exams and/or heading off to further training and work. Graduation is always a special evening as it is a time to reflect on the secondary school journey and the growth from Year 7-Year 12. A particular highlight is the comparison of Year 7 and Year 12 photos! We would like to wish them all the best as they adventure out for the next exciting stage of their lives.

Year 10 and Year 11 students are preparing for exams and learning about their subjects for next year during orientation. It is great to get a head start on the 2025 program, so they are aware of subject requirements and content.

Year 7-9 are still working in their classes and finalising learning tasks ready for end of year exams. During Week 9 our junior students will be participating in the swimming and STEM programs before heading into activities. Families are reminded to complete the swimming permission on Compass and to hand in activity forms at the specified lunchtimes. 

It is a busy time of the year!

Multicultural Day

The recent Multicultural Day showcased our many different cultures and nationalities. It was great to have many local students and families celebrate with us and to welcome local members of parliament and the acting Prime Minister Mr Richard Marles and our enthusiastic past principal Mr Adamou. The highlights of the opening ceremony, Welcome to Country and the parade of national dress, made us proud to lead this community. Students were invited to “tell their stories” of their journeys to this country and school and this will be captured for future students to read and share. We indeed do share “Common Ground” which was the theme of this year’s festival.

WOW Presentation

Staff were privileged to a presentation from Dr Niki Vincent, who works for the Commission for Gender Equity in the Public Sector. Dr Vincent presented a variety of facts and statistics that reminds us that whilst there is great work being completed in this area, we still have a long way to go. The estimation is that it will take another 130 years to fully address inequality.

The WOW group at NGSC helps ensure the voices of all staff are heard and we can continue to develop and provide an inclusive and equitable work environment.

Be Bold Be Heard

This group continues to have extended success in and outside of our school.

  1. The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) recognises that there is some negativity at Year 8 towards voice and agency and school transitions. The NGSC BBBH team have set goals for next year to provide appropriate and targeted mentorship. These girls should be commended for this initiative, a very selfless act for change to the future other than themselves.
  2. Brad Headlam presented the Respectful Relationships. program to schools in Footscray on Tuesday 19th November.  Several other schools expressed interest and would like to initiate the program in their region.

VCE Vocational Major

This program is really starting to shape up with some exciting strategies. The team recently met to discuss their program and subsequently are pursuing all kinds of wonderful opportunities for the students. This will include a podcast program onsite, with potential connections to Pulse radio. There are also a range of engaging activities coming up in the orientation program.

Accelerated Vocational Major

Several Year 9 students completed their initiation into the Accelerated program for 2024. This program included liaison with Sally Merryful who is the Community Engagement Coordinator. Sally took the students through a range of local opportunities for work, work placements, apprenticeships and organised the students to complete some goals. This culminated in the students shaping what their program will look like in 2025, inclusive of mentors, work experience and school certificates. So engaging was the program that they did not want to leave it to go back to class.

Alternative Pathways

The mainstream setting of school is not always suitable for everyone. Often, we discuss some negative classroom behaviours with students and the response can be “I do not want to be at school, I would rather be doing …” This was the case with one student, who had always wanted to be in construction. He waited patiently for a different opportunity and when one came up, he took to it with both hands. Subsequently last week he graduated from the Northern Futures Building and Construction program to which he can now pursue an apprenticeship.

Suspensions and Supports

In 2024 we have refocused and redirected our efforts towards students’ choice of behaviour. Meaning we have put more energy into conversations to build relationships and when mistakes were made, we continued to provide consequences however, we ensured we explored a lengthy conversation to explore the decision making, values of the student and set up plans for them to be successful in future scenarios. This can be demonstrated by the increase in referrals and student support group meetings, whilst a significant decrease in the number of suspensions has occurred. The positive relationships with parents and the advancement of parent voice is certainly benefiting our College community.

School Captains 2025

School Captains for 2025 have been announced to our students at our assembly on 1st November. Our captains were introduced one-by-one and addressed the school sharing their goals and visions for 2025. We wish them the best of luck in their leadership roles and studies next year.

School Captains 2025

Captains pictured left to right, Ashley Clingan (Arts), Charlee-K Hide (Cultural), Asher Mitchell (Sports), Lucy Heitmann (College Captain), Dean Smilevski (College Captain), Dayna Maring (Academic).

Year 7 Transition

We are looking forward to welcoming our incoming 2025 Year 7 students and their families. The main transition days are December 10th and 11th. Students will meet new friends, staff and enjoy an array of activities. Extra transition days are this week and next and students will be supported to become more familiar with secondary school processes and environments.

New Students 8-12 in 2025

We have the pleasure of welcoming new students and families in Year 8-12 in 2025. There is a transition morning on 10th December to welcome and orientate those new to our community.