NGSC Newsletter
Issue 11

Junior School News

Bennett Thompson
Junior Sub School Leader

Term 4 has been a great term thus far with a few things coming up to keep an eye on as we near the end of the year. Students reports will be appearing in late December so please keep checking Compass after the school year has finished in order to read reports.

Our exams for Years 7 and 8 are next week. Our mainstream students will be doing English and Maths with our SEAL classes adding Science and Humanities as well. We will have our catch-up exams on Thursday and Friday.

Students need to check on Compass in regard to their activities. We are offering both internal and external activities for students after the STEM and swimming week. This will be terrific.

Looking forward to what the coming weeks will bring.

Michael Kilroy

Swimming Program - Years 7 & 8

The end of year swimming program for ALL Year 7 & 8 students is fast approaching!

Students will attend the Kardinia Pool for a double period each day of Week 9. Check Compass for more details.

Key information:

  • Each home group will attend for a double every day of Week 9
  • Consent to attend is required by 29/11/24
  • All ability levels welcome.
  • Students unable to attend will complete swimming and water safety theory work at school in Week 9.
  • Focus is on fun and safety in and around water - not just learning strokes over and over.
  • Swimming is part of your PE curriculum, so EVERY STUDENT is expected to attend.
  • Lots of fun to be had with your friends and classmates - Don't miss out!

If you have any questions, please ask your PE teacher.