NGSC Newsletter
Issue 12

Student Wellbeing

Healthy Schools

Preventative Vaping

Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Water Safety

Mental Health Supports for Students over the holidays

Youth Holiday Programs

School Avoidance Parent's Seminar

Parenting Programs

Dental In - Clinic Appointments

Head Start Program

Doctors in Secondary Schools (DISS)

financial Support - Uniting Barwon

Support Numbers for Young People and Families

Adolescent school immunisation catch up sessions

Where can I get emergency food in Geelong?

Health and safety risks associated with vaping

Krizza Salugsugan
Student Wellbeing
Tina Doyle
Student Wellbeing
Faith Field
Secondary School Nurse

Mental Health Supports for Students over the Holidays

The Victorian Government has developed mental health support, resources and advice for students and families to access over the school holidays. Two fact sheets for students and families have been developed in 19 different languages to:

  • support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
  • identify signs students may need mental health support
  • access available support.

Please visit the link for more information Mental health supports for students over school holidays |

☀️ Geelong Youth Holiday Program ☀️

Youth Holiday Program 1

Starting 2025 off strong Geelong Youth have a loaded holiday schedule. This schedule lists activities happening across all youth sites so be sure to contact the lead worker for the program you want to attend if you have any questions!

Contact Khyl

📍 The fOrT Youth Centre - Corner Melbourne and St Georges Rd, Norlane VIC 3214

📍 Lara Skate Park - 87 Station Lake Rd, Lara VIC 3212

📞 0466 818 805 or 5272 5272

📧 or

Contact Titit

📍 Armstrong Creek East Community Hub - 46 Central Bvd, Armstrong Creek VIC 3217

📍 Multicultural Group - The fOrT Youth Centre - Corner Melbourne and St Georges Rd, Norlane VIC 3214

📞 0403 123 968 or 5272 5272

📧 or


📞 0403 123 968 or 5272 5272

📧 or

All programs are open and free for young people aged 12-25. Activities may be changed. Other activities may become available or be postponed to a later date. Please check the Geelong Youth socials before attending in case of cancellations.

Geelong Regional Libraries Youth Holiday Program

Library 1

QHub Holiday Program

QHub Geelong is holding several drop-in sessions during the January school holidays. For high school age LGBTIQA+ young people, the drop-in days will be on Thursdays, January 9th (movie day), 16th (queer karaoke), and 23rd (crafternoon), 2pm-5pm. QHub Geelong are located at 47 Yarra Street in Geelong. You can follow QHub on Instagram @QHubGeelong to stay updated on everything happening.

If LGBTIQ+ young people need support during the holidays, you can contact Rainbow Door


QHub is also hosting a DnD campaign for LGBTIQA+ young people ages 13-18.

There are four sessions (January 9, 10, 23, 24) running in the early evenings at the QHub.

To express your interest, message them on Instagram @QHubGeelong or email Britt at the link below.

Headspace Corio & headspace Geelong Summer Programs

Headspace 1
Headspace 2

headspace Holiday Hours

headspace Geelong, Corio and Armstrong Creek are still available for support – Brief intervention, sexual health, physical health, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Work and study. You can call (03) 5222 6690 or use the headspace Referral Form | Mental Health Referral. You can also walk in to make an appointment.

headspace Closure Dates:

  • Geelong 24/12/24 - 02/01/25.
  • Corio 19/12/24 - 14/01/25
  • Armstrong Creek 23/12/24 - 13/01/25.
  • Ocean Grove 24/12/24 – 06/01/25
  • Drysdale 24/12/24 – 13/01/25

headspace Regular Opening Hours:

  • Corio Tues, Wed, Thurs - 9am – 5pm
  • Geelong Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri - 9am - 5pm, Thurs - 9am - 7pm
  • Armstrong Creek Mon-Fri - 9am-5pm

Ocean Grove Mon-Wed 9am – 5pm, Thurs – 11am – 7pm

School Avoidance Parent's Seminar 

School Anxiety is increasing around the world. The reasons are varied, significantly different between age groups, cultures and social contexts. As we prepare for the return to school in a few weeks it's common to see anxiety resurfacing, especially for those transition years of entering High School.

If you are facing:

  • Stomach upsets seeming to be related to school
  • Fear and panic when school is discussed
  • Avoidance in discussing school and related subjects
  • Increased withdrawal from pleasurable activities and isolation

Then you are not alone.

In this seminar staff from Drummond Street and Gateways Support service will explore school anxiety, how to recognise the signs early, preparing for key transition points, and ways to support your child to change this cycle of anxiety.

  • Date: Thursday 16th January
  • Time: 5pm-6:30pm
  • Location: Drummond Street Geelong - 47 Yarra Street Geelong (Across from Market Square)
  • Cost: FREE - but registrations are essential

Light refreshments will be provided as well as some activities for smaller children. Feel free to come with your questions and the Child and Family Practitioners at Drummond Street will be eager to help as best we can.

Register Here Overview ⋮ School Anxiety and Transitions Back to School ⋮ Blackthorn Events

Parenting Programs in the Geelong Region - Term 1, 2025

You can view all the Parenting Programs offered in the Geelong Region for Term 1, 2025 via this link Microsoft Word - 2025 Term 1 Regional Parenting Calendar.docx. All Regional Parenting Service programs along with MELI, Family Relationship Centre, Drummond St Services and Barwon Southwest Region programs will be offered face-to-face or online. Bookings are essential.

Water Safety

During Week 9, our Year 7 & 8 students participated in our annual school swimming program. Water safety is especially important as the weather warms up and we approach the summer school holidays. Many people are heading to popular swimming spots, such as Eastern Beach, the beautiful beaches on the Bellarine Peninsula and Surf Coast, as well as local swimming pools. We urge everyone to recognise the value of swimming lessons and water safety to reduce the risk of drowning. For more information about swimming lessons visit Swim Sport and Leisure -City of Greater Geelong.

No one should drown Poster

Drowning prevention starts with you, before heading out this summer learn how to enjoy the water safely:

  • Know your swimming abilities
  • Always supervise children around water
  • Avoid alcohol around water
  • Wear a lifejacket when boating and fishing
  • Avoid going alone
  • Know the conditions
  • Swim at a patrolled beach between the red and yellow flags

Royal Life Saving Australia - Water Safety Tips to Enjoy the Water Safely

For more information visit Water Safety | Royal Life Saving Society - Australia

Active Schools

Active Schools Framework

North Geelong Secondary College recently applied for a $30,000 Active Schools Grant. We are excited to announce that we have been successful in receiving this grant for 2025. The funding will provide support and resources to enable students to be more physically active throughout the school day including in the classroom, at lunch and getting to and from school. We will share our Active Schools initiatives with the whole school community throughout 2025.

Dental In - Clinic Appointments

All students attending government schools are eligible for Smile Squad for free dental services– includes teeth cleaning, fluoride applications, fillings and any other non-cosmetic, follow-up treatments. They do not need a healthcare card, Medicare or access to the Child Dental Benefits Scheme. Parents will still need to complete the consent online form but can book independently and directly with the Smile Squad provider, Barwon Health.

Barwon Health North Dental Clinic

155 Princess Highway, Norlane 3214

Tel: 03 4215 7240

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is acknowledged between 25 November – 10 December. It is a UN initiative recognised across the world. The purpose of the Victorian campaign is to help build Victorian communities where women are safe and equal.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Key Dates within the campaign include:

To find out how you can get involved with a local event or for more information visit the links

For more information about the Victorian campaign, you can visit:

For more information about the worldwide campaign, you can visit:

Doctors-In-Secondary Schools (DISS)

The Doctors in Secondary Schools (DISS) program is still operating at NGSC each Thursday. The clinic is staffed by Nurse Kate, Dr. Cecilia, and Nathan (Psychologist) from Barwon Community Health. Students can see the nurse or doctor for a wide range of reasons and referrals can be made online or by contacting one of the Student Wellbeing Coordinators. Parents/carers can also contact Student Wellbeing for enquiries.

Doctors- In- Secondary Schools’ last day of onsite services for the school year will be on the 5th of December.

Financial Support - Uniting Barwon

Financial Support for 2025 Education Costs

Uniting Barwon provide eligible NGSC families with financial support for textbooks, uniforms, and education expenses.

Families that hold a current Health Care Card or are experiencing exceptional circumstances are eligible for support.

We encourage all eligible families to contact Uniting Barwon ASAP to book in an appointment time.

Please call 4210 1100 between 9:30 -11:45 Monday – Friday.

Uniting Barwon is located at 270 Torquay Rd, Grovedale.

If transport is not available, please advise the Uniting Barwon worker when you call.

Uniting Barwon

Ph: 4210 1100

Call between 9:30am - 11:45am Monday to Friday to book an appointment.

If you do not hold a Health Care Card but require assistance, please contact the Student Wellbeing team on Ph: 5240 5800.

Support Numbers for Young People and Families

Emergency - 000

Barwon Health Mental Health Services - 1300 094 187

Orange Door - 1800 312 820

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800

Suicide Line 24/7 - 1300 651 251

The Sexual Assault and Family Violence Centre -03 5222 4318

Headspace - 03 5222 6690

eHeadspace - Emergency assistance | headspace

Youth Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

Get support - Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue

Where can I get emergency food in Geelong?

There are many organisations that provide food assistance in the local Geelong region. Where You Can Eat provides an up-to-date guide on all the food relief agencies across the Geelong region. Please click on the link below for information on when, where, how, and what food relief services are available near you.

Preventing Vaping

No Smoking or Vaping Sign

Did you know that In Victoria, a person must not smoke or vape on school premises or within 4 metres of any pedestrian access point to school premises? The ban aims to protect children and young people from second-hand smoke and the aerosol from vapes. North Geelong Secondary College have “No Smoking or Vaping” signs at all pedestrian access points to the school grounds, as a reminder for students, families, staff and visitors. The smoking and vaping ban applies during and outside of school hours. The Department of Education also bans smoking and vaping at school events and excursions held off school premises. For more information about the smoking and vaping ban visit Smoking and Vaping Ban: Policy |