NGSC Newsletter
Issue 10

Junior School News

Junior School News

Bennett Thompson
Junior Sub School Leader

The Junior School has been very busy over the last weeks. The students have been working to settle back into the term after their holiday and have done so successfully. In the coming weeks we have a few things on the agenda. Week 3 we had the Multicultural Day Festival on Friday 28th October. This is a great day for the school annually and is always an enjoyable one for the students. 

A few other things to keep our eyes out for are exams, activities, Awards night, STEM and Swimming.

Exams will be held in week 8 in the gym. Mainstream classes will do English and Maths with the SEAL students doing Science and Humanities as well.

Activities are a great finish to the year and we will look to have these published to the students soon. We offer a wide range of activities both off site and on site. Some students may not be allowed to attend off site activities due to concerns with refusal of instructions or safety concerns but this will be communicated via e-mail or a phone call.

Awards Night will be held on December 12th, the junior school students will need to attend the night. There will be more information in the coming weeks.

STEM and Swimming will be held in week 9 so consent forms must be signed as soon as they appear on Compass. These are great programs and will be incredibly enjoyable for the students.