NGSC Newsletter
Year 2025 - Issue 1

Assistant Principals' Report

Year 12 Camp

Student Representative Council (SRC)



Progress Reports

Year 10 Immunisation

School Photos

School Athletics Day

Parent Teacher Conferences

Ryan Mills
Assistant Principal International Student Program Coordinator
Sarah Bridges
Assistant Principal
Brad Headlam
Assistant Principal

Welcome to the 2025 school year! It has been lovely to welcome our Year 7 cohort and other families new to our college family and we look forward to working with you all. Students have settled well into classes and their learning. Our vibrant and engaging extra-curricular activities, including lunch time clubs, SRC and sport are all currently being organised.

Year 12 Camp

During Week 1, Year 12 students set off for their yearly camp to Federation University in Ballarat. Students got a taste of what University life would be like by staying in large dormitories, attending a variety of sessions in lecture halls focusing on different areas of study and also got to know their coordinators and peers through mealtimes, games nights and tenpin bowling. All students in attendance had a great three days and it was a fantastic way to start their final year of school.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Applications to join the SRC are accessible at Sub-Schools for students to collect. Being involved in SRC at North Geelong Secondary College can benefit students in the following areas:

  • great way to meet new people and form friendships
  • have a say in how the school operates and what we provide for students
  • gain new skills in organisation, time management, public speaking and more


Students in Years 7-10 have been undertaking PAT and DAL testing in literacy and numeracy. This information , along with class work and testing, provides teachers with data to plan for learning and meeting students at their point of need.

NAPLAN testing will take place for students in Years 7 and 9 from 12/3/25-24/3/25. Specific details and timetable will be provided at a later date. Parent information and notifications will be sent via Compass.


Our new pastoral care program, Connect, runs on Thursdays. Students have been placed in a Connect group with a key teacher who will be supporting them for the year. The first lessons focus on Connect Culture and Expectations. Staff are getting to know the students and building a positive environment for the program. All curriculum is linked to VCAA Capabilities, including Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Capability, Intercultural Capability, and Critical and Creative Thinking.

Please note that there are no homegroups in the morning. Students who have notes for uniforms/ absences etc are to take them to the relevant Sub School before school.

Progress Reports

Progress reports focus on learning behaviours and progress and provide students and families with regular feedback. They act in conjunction with Semester Reports to provide feedback on learning behaviours and data on feedback.

Data from the reports enable the college to acknowledge the positive efforts of students and is used to identify those students who are deemed “at risk”. The Student Management Team will make contact with parent/families of these students to organise a Student Support Group meeting.

Progress reports will be provided to parents at the end of week 5. These are four weekly reports that focus on the key areas of:

  • Meets Attendance Requirement
  • Progress In Learning
  • Participates In Learning
  • Demonstrates Preparation for Learning
  • Displays Respect for Learning

Progress Reports: Descriptors

Meets Attendance Requirement: will be assessed based on the following description: “Students are able to meet the minimum 95% attendance requirement of NGSC”.


95% or above


91 - 94%


85 - 90%


80 - 84%


79% or lower

Progress In Learning: Student actively participates in school-based learning activities, Student is progressing towards meeting the expected level of the relevant outcome or standard.

NB: Teacher judgements are made in consideration with student attendance; students with less than 84% attendance (Rarely/Never against the NGSC Attendance Requirement) are unable to receive ‘grades’ above Rarely/Never for this reporting descriptor.


Habitually, reliably, always


Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses


Attempts are made but lack regular consistency


Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable

Never (not assessed)

Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period

Participates in Learning: Regularly attends class and engages in the learning of key knowledge, skills and understandings. Maintains organised class notes, asks questions to enhance learning, works effectively in team situations. Displays resilience.

NB: Teacher judgements are made in consideration with student attendance; students with less than 84% attendance (Rarely/Never against the NGSC Attendance Requirement) are unable to receive ‘grades’ above Rarely/Never for this reporting descriptor.


Habitually, reliably, always


Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses


Attempts are made but lack regular consistency


Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable


Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period

Demonstrates Preparation for Learning: Arrives on time, Prepared for class. Attentively waiting for teacher instructions. Catch-up work completed. Focussed and ready to learn, brings all necessary materials, including pencil case and a charged device. Completes set homework by the required date, catches up on missed work due to absence.


Habitually, reliably, always


Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses


Attempts are made but lack regular consistency


Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable


Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period

Displays Respect for Learning: Actively and enthusiastically participates in a variety of learning opportunities offered in class. Treats self, others, staff and equipment/materials with respect, uses reports/assessments, criteria and rubrics, teacher and peer feedback, sample responses and demonstrations to make progress in his/her learning. Recognises that in order to improve, resilience is required. Is self-motivated and accountable for his/her/their learning. Actively seeks support from teachers to catch up following absence.


Habitually, reliably, always


Nearly always, likely to happen with occasional lapses


Attempts are made but lack regular consistency


Attempts are made very occasionally, they are rarely noticeable


Not assessed: the student’s low attendance prevents the assessment of these skills or behaviours for this reporting period

Year 10 Immunisation

Year 10 Immunisations will take place on 25 February 2025. Families are required to respond to Barwon Health. Please see the relevant Compass notifications.

School Photos

School Photos will take place on 12/3/2025. Students are required to be in full college academic uniform. Ordering will take place via Compass and Student Identification Cards will be issued after the photos have been taken. There will be “catch up day” on 17th March 2025 for those who miss the first day.

School Athletics Day

Students will be able to represent their House Teams and have a great day participating in athletics activities on 18th March 2025. This will take place at Landy Field.

Parent Teacher Conferences

This will take place on 2/4. Bookings will be available through Compass. Compass will notify families when booking is open.

Supports available

There are a variety of supports available for students and families who may need support to adjust to the new year and school environment.

School Based Support:

  • Sub School Student Management Team
  • Student Wellbeing

Other supports available:

School refusal: children & teenagers | Raising Children Network

Raising Healthy Minds app | Raising Children Network

Thanks for your support

Sarah Bridges/Brad Headlam/Ryan Mills