NGSC Newsletter
Issue 9

Senior School News

Practice Exams September School Holidays,

VCE VM Interviews,

Year 12 Jumpers,

Year 12 Camp 2025

Practice Exams September school holidays

Any student who is completing a scored VCE Unit 3/4 subject will be having practice exams run during the first week of the school holidays. The timetable for these has been shared and a printed copy is up in the common room for all students to see. Practice exams are important in building writing stamina and allowing students to replicate the exam that will take place in October/November. These practice exams will allow our students to know how confident they are with the content and how much extra work is still required before the VCAA exams take place. All students completing a Unit 3/4 subject will have teachers giving back meaningful feedback on the exam and quality of answers at the start of next term and students can use this valuable feedback to work on gaps in their learning.

VCE VM Interviews

Year 12 VCE Vocational Major students will participate in an interview process next term to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements throughout their final years of secondary schooling. In preparing for these interviews, the students are encouraged to reflect upon their employability skills development, for example their ability to work cooperatively in a team environment and to communicate effectively in the workplace. The timetable for the interview times will be shared early next term.

Year 12 Jumpers

A reminder to our Year 11 students, your Year 12 jumper needs to be paid for by the end of term. Please come and see Mrs Martin if you have any concerns over any payment questions, size of the jumper to be ordered or the name to go on the back of the jumper.

Year 12 Camp 2025

The Year 12 Camp for 2025 is in its final stages of planning. Students will receive information about the dates in the coming days, stay tuned.

A reminder to stay present...

Students are reminded that although we are close to the end of term, it is important to knuckle down and give it your all and not lose focus. Stay in the present and make sure you have your priorities clear for the final days of term.

Joel McDougall
Senior Sub School Leader