NGSC Newsletter
Issue 9

Junior School News


Zoo Excursion

Year 7 Science

End of Term

The Junior School has been very busy over the last few weeks. With excursions and work as well as immunisations taking time for our Year 7 and 8 students.


The Year 7 students have completed their immunisations, and the process went very smoothly, thanks to everyone who returned their forms. The efficiency of the procedure was greatly enhanced by the prompt submissions of consent. Thank you for that.


Last week, our Year 7 students visited the Melbourne Zoo as an extension of their science studies. It was an excellent day filled with tours of the zoo, observing various animals, and enjoying the pleasant weather. Please stay tuned for information on an upcoming excursion for our Year 8 students in the following weeks.

Year 7 Science

Students in Year 7 Science have just commenced a Physics Forces unit. To introduce the topic students participated in some ‘science yoga’ to demonstrate balanced and unbalanced forces.

Toys were also used to observe the six main ways a force can act on an object. Those six ways being: start an object moving, slow an object down, speed an object up, change an objects shape or direction, keep an object still.

End of Term

As we near the end of term students begin to sit assessments and hand in various pieces of work. As a sub-school we are trying to improve the organisation of the students in this time to make things that little bit easier.

The last day for students will be Friday the 20th of September. Students will finish earlier at 1:30 pm so please be aware of this.

Bennett Thompson
Junior Sub School Leader