NGSC Newsletter
Issue 10

Assistant Principals News

  • Year 12 Exam Holiday Practice
  • Year 12 Exam Revision Timetable
  • Vocational Major 2024
  • Vocational Major 2025
  • BBBH Celebration Forum
  • Applied Pathways
  • School Shoes
Ryan Mills
Assistant Principal International Student Program Coordinator
Sarah Bridges
Assistant Principal
Brad Headlam
Assistant Principal

Year 12 Exam Holiday Practice

There was nearly 100% attendance at the Year 12 practice exams on the holidays. This shows our culture towards preparation for the final weeks. Recent statistics show that every practice exam completed and reviewed increases the percentage score by 3%. This is quite remarkable and we have in the past encouraged at least 5 practices. Teachers are well prepared and we support staff to be available for the students in the immediate lead up to the exam, by keeping their Year 12 class time free whilst the students are studying. This provides immediate available access to assistance for clarification on content as they are preparing.

Year 12 Exam Revision Timetable

As in previous years, Year 12 students will have a separate study timetable created for them in the lead up to exams. Each class will get at least three double sessions with their teacher focused on revising for their upcoming examination. These extra study sessions have been well received from teachers and students in the past, which has had an impact on results. Students are also encouraged to book in extra sessions with their teachers (if time permits) to work on specific questions they may have. We wish the best for our Year 12 cohort for the upcoming exams.

Vocational Major 2024

This week the Year 12 Vocational Major students began their formalised assessments. A fantastic part of this process in addition to producing a folio is being interviewed by staff and leadership. Each student is required to present their folio, answer some questions and reflect on their school experience. Students generally dress up and prepare really well for the interview. Ultimately, it is a great learning experience and in some instances the first interview they might encounter and as a result they would learn a great deal.

Vocational Major 2025

Planning for the new VM structure (Year 11 2025) has progressed with a coordinator being appointed to guide the planning for the remainder of the year. In consultation with leadership, the coordinator will assemble a team of teachers who have shown interest in the new program. 

During Term 3 holidays, the A block had 4 double sliding doors installed to make the space flexible for the VM students next year.



An incredible 15 schools have been engaged with the BBBH program this year, including a school from the western suburbs of Melbourne. This equates to about 170 students actively participating in setting goals, taking action and inspiring change in their own school contexts. This forum was a celebration of the achievements of the teen girls who took part and the range of actions were inspiring.

The day began with an activity to identify inspirational women (internationally and locally) and had students working with others from different schools.

Following morning tea we were joined by 30+ guests who included community leaders and guest speakers who have been involved in BBBH in 2024. 

Before we launched into the student presentations we were blessed with a panel of three amazing speakers.

Justine Martin (left), who as a result of many challenges and turning points in her journey is now an award-winning speaker, resilience coach, artist and business owner all whilst having a disability. Justine embodies the idea of constantly moving forward, there are no barriers, just different directions. Whilst recovering from cancers and several other conditions that are all debilitating in themselves, she decided to take on a home renovation to build an art studio.

Jenny Robertson (Middle) is a Civil engineer, who whilst working her way up into leadership she was one of only 12% of the women represented in her workplace. She shared her insights into engaging men to lead them to get the work done and included her secret of speaking with a lower voice.

Ali Waight (Right) is a multiple business owner who became the first female president of the award winning Queenscliff Football and Netball club. Her philosophy is related to Theodore Roosevelt’s “man in the arena” quote where she is also prepared to get down and get her hands dirty. She cited a challenge that involved a difficult conversation to be had with both the footballers and netballers about rising to better expectations of behaviour. A woman said she could not speak to the footballers and suggested getting someone else to do it. Ali was shattered about this perception and, as president she delivered that message herself, as anyone in such a role should be able to do.

These women were incredibly inspiring and all stayed to hear most of the presentations from our students and were in awe of what these teens were doing in their schools. In fact, all the guests were so impressed that they shared their experiences with me so often that by the time I got to the lunch table I had to turn around and head back to get the final session started.

Some of the outcomes highlighted by the schools include:

  • Reducing toxic behaviour through a new program called Flourish.
  • Improving Year 10 and 11 relationships.
  • More inclusive and body friendly uniforms.
  • Fundraising for the homeless.
  • Improve daily communication in the school.
  • Increase awareness of the daily activities in the school.
  • Women’s health sessions and sport psychology sessions for sports program students.
  • Girls’ boxing club.
  • Mentoring for Year 8 girls who are looking to come into the BBBH program in 2025.

I was so impressed by the manner in which the students presented, clearly their confidence in public speaking has improved and no doubt has occurred from the great support that staff are providing. It also takes significant bravery to speak up to staff, leaders, principals and other students to organise actions for change and they are all to be congratulated. I thank all staff for being involved in 2024. In particular Monica Godde (Belmont High) and Lana Ryder (Lara SC) who ran two of this year's forums. In addition to this, I wish to acknowledge the administration support of Leanne Scarlett and Susan Marin (North Geelong Secondary College).

Finally, to our sponsor Soroptimists International Geelong we say thank you and also to our Respectful Relationship champions Rachel Johnston and Raelene Newton.

I think all schools are keen for another BBBH in 2025, if your school is not yet and is keen to be a part of this please contact .

Applied Pathways

On Fridays for the remainder of the term, students looking for an alternative pathway or inspiration to pursue an applied opportunity (work experience or apprenticeship) will be offered an opportunity to do further careers work to set themselves up for 2025. During the afternoon on that day they will meet with Brad Headlam and then external leaders in careers who will also bring in experts in various pathways to highlight how to get into that aspect of the workforce. The objective is to trigger the motivation in the individuals or outline how to take the next steps whatever they may be.

School Shoes

Towards the end of each year we find that the school uniform wains a little, students have grown too much, clothes are worn out etc. Recently there have been a number of students with requests to wear sports shoes on account of orthotics. Orthotics generally take some time to be worn into a point where it is comfortable in any shoe. They are designed to fit in all shoes. With this in mind and in an attempt to support students with this condition we are providing communication with podiatrists to help them identify a shoe that would be suitable for the feet and orthotics they are working with. We have a range of shoes that meet our uniform expectations and Athlete's Foot are also very supportive to help meet the needs. In addition to this, where it is not affordable the school will provide support to families who might have difficulty. See below the approved and not approved school shoes. Should you need to provide some guidance to a podiatrist please see one of the Assistant Principals.